BiCon 1999 Booking Form
Please read booking information page and work out which registration rate you should pay before filling out this form. Then print it out (double sided if possible), and send it completed and with payment to: BM BiCon London WC1N 3XX. (This is also the permanent BiCon address, so you can always find out about the next BiCon from there.)
Postcode....................................................................... __ This is my first BiCon
Phone (optional)................................................................................
E-mail (optional).........................................................................................
(If you are volunteering or have special needs it helps if we have
your phone number or e-mail address)
I would like to attend BiCon 1999 on Friday 16th/Saturday 17th/Sunday 18th July 1999 (delete if not applicable) and I enclose my registration fee of
£....................... __ I am paying the unwaged rate and enclose photocopied proof
__ I want to apply for the hardship fund, and enclose details about why I have applied.
I wish to book on site B&B accommodation for Thursday/Friday/Saturday
night, and enclose payment of £28 per night
Total: £.........................
I would like to be near the following people in the on site accommodation
__ I have access difficulties and need a ground floor room
If you are booking early (i.e. in 1998) you need not book your accommodation at the same time as your registration, but the sooner we know how many rooms will be needed, the better. We recommend that you book three nights accommodation as the convention will start at 10.00am Friday. On site accommodation must be booked by June 1st.
Total payment enclosed £................................ (registration plus accommodation)
We can accept £sterling only. Please make cheques or POs payable to BiCon.
Your needs
__ Please send me details of wheelchair accessible accommodation.
__ Please send me details of hostel and B&B accommodation.
__ I would like creche accommodation for ......... children aged ................. Note: creche spaces must be booked before 1st June.
__ I am deaf or hard of hearing and need sign language interpretation. (Please specify language.)
Note: we are unlikely to have a full professional interpretation service, so contact us early so we can try to work out a level of service that will be of the most use to you.
__ I would like to volunteer for gophering/registration desk/stalls.
__ I would like to volunteer for the creche
__ I can offer counselling
__ I am a qualified First Aider
__ I can offer sign language interpretation (Please specify
Note: qualification/references may be asked for from creche, counselling, sign language interpretation and first aid volunteers. Creche volunteers will always be accompanied by a professional creche worker.
__ I would like to run a session, details below.
Note: due to space limitation we may not be able to accept every session proposal. We will try to select sessions to make up a balanced and interesting programme. We prefer sessions to be run by people who have been to BiCon before. If this is your first BiCon please tell us if you have any experience of running sessions.
__ All information will be treated in confidence. Please tick if you wish us to pass on your details to the next BiCon.
__ Please send me paper copies of this form for distribution.
If you wish to book for more than one person please use separate forms.
Last modified: 11th January 1999
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.